Glorious, marvellous tea. Every morning I have a cup of soothing, warm, wonderful tea. Sometimes I like to start with an EG (Earl Grey, duh), sometimes a Yorkshire Tea (it's good for hard water, which means you evade the accursed 'London Scale', that revolting scum that floats on the top of your brew and makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable). I always feel better about anything after I've had a cup. It's like totally affordable and not-illegal-when-you're-taking-it-recreationally liquid Valium. When I was wee, my Nana Rose used to make us tea in those 80s brown glass mugs, really milky with a sugar in, and we used to dip buttered toast in it whilst we watched Sky (old school Sky - it was ALL about the Rugrats, Sister Sister, or maybe Alex Mack).
Did you know that over 80% of the UK population enjoy tea?* The remaining 20% hate it and will only drink coffee. Don't get me wrong, I love coffee, but tea? Tea is like that old cuddly toy that you've loved so much that he's become real, like the Velveteen Rabbit (mine were called Snugglebunny and Brian The Lion. They're still in residence at Bullivant Towers).
Anywho, the reason I'm chatting so much about tea is because of this brilliant designer I discovered on that there Folksy site I'm so mad on. Her name's Jess Broad, aka Cuppa Tea and Cake and if you're crafty like me, I'm sure you'll be as thrilled by her designs as I am.
Take for example this wooden wool brooch, which costs £5.
Jess illustrates her designs and then uses the magic of lasers to cut the image into the beech brooch. Which sounds pretty high tech to me.
I also took a fancy to this nice tea love badge, which is made by drawing directly on to shrink plastic. It costs just £2.50.
Like what you see? Why not pay her blog a visit, or follow her on Twitter. And whilst you're at it, follow me too!
*Don't call me on that, I'm not a Statistician and I have no actual money to put where my mouth is.
A Protection Spell for 2025
5 weeks ago
This is so true! The only thing I know how to do in a crisis is to ask "would you like a cup of tea?"
On another note entirely, I don't think I've ever known anyone outside my immediate circle of friends who watched Alex Mac!
In a totally dire situation, making a brew is the only thing to do!
I used to love Alex, as if being a teenager wasn't bad enough, she had to deal with turning into green goo at the drop of a hat...hero: http://bit.ly/zPelrS
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