My good lady-friend Ria wrote a blog post recently about upcycled suitcases and sweet little train cases by Etsy Seller Remixed Vintage, but I have found another supplier that might load your luggage, if up-cycling is your bag. Sorry, I have a terrible taste for alliterative puns and innuendo. I'll be an embarrassing mum one day.
Brighton Pod are a 'promoter of original design' in the UK and so, if you have a bob or two, you can find some lovely things on their website, including these gorgeous bags by 'uoldbag' which have been transformed from something old into something unique and simply wonderful.
Take this delight, the 'Large Great Britain up-cycled vintage suitcase' this could be yours for £225, plus £20 delivery. See how the map has been carefully decoupaged onto the suitcase and varnished with lacquer so that it's waterproof! So clever!
Or there is the 'English channel up-cycled vintage suitcase', which has the most lovely shape, wouldn't you agree? To own that treasure, you'd have to part with £255 smackeroonies, plus £25 delivery, but it would be totally worth it. I can just see it, in the spare room of my imaginary house, resting at the end of the bed on a trunk, holding nice fluffy white towels and toiletries for my guests...
This Flamingoes and Roses suitcase for £390 also particularly takes my fancy and is hand embroidered (no mean feat I imagine!) I'd feel particularly pleased with myself as I trundled off on my holidays proudly brandishing it.
The last one I'll feature, which was a Very Hard Thing To Choose I can tell you, is this splendid red vanity case, which would set you back £160, but you could be happy in the knowledge that you were the only person in the world to own one and that you were supporting British artisans. And that would be a comforting thought indeed.
Okay fine, no more pictures, but whilst I'm at it, you need to look at this, this and this. The one with the mouse in his mouth is particularly terrifying, which is ideally what you want your suitcase to communicate to the baggage handler at Heathrow: Treat me with care, dude, or I will destroy you like this owl destroys mice and other small woodland creatures.
Oh, by the way, you can follow @BrightonPOD on Twitter, like I do, then you'll hear about all the other lovely things they stock.