'Naomi, fail to prepare, prepare to fail.'
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Awesome Umbrellas
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Cushions, daschunds, things that are Made In Britain...
Twitter also introduced me recently to a shop which is full of Things That Are Made In Britain, called From The Wilde which I like, immensely. And, after contacting dear Emily, I am permitted to share with all you lovely readers a Crafty Little Beggar and AYD Blog Reader discount of 10%, huzzah! All you need do is input the coupon code 1111 and you'll get the discount off any item on the site on orders placed after February 1st. The things I do for you lot :)

Friday, 21 January 2011
Why I adore stationery...
This is why I take a simple pleasure in having nice stationery items. My old boss knew this about me only too well, which is why when she spotted this Nautical Fancier's Stationery Set on Pedlars, she thought of me 'instantly'. Delightfully, it's in the sale right now at £13.50. Presented in a lovely box (just the way I freaking like it baby), is a collection of 30 sheets of paper, 8 notelets, 20 envelopes and a notebook, brought to you by the Society Of Revisionist Typographers (SORT), all adorned with yet another one of my passions, nautical stampery. The anchor motif on the envelopes is probably my favourite.

Finally, moving slightly away from stationery, but still on the topic of AWESOME, would you look at this German Protozoa Chart, which has come from an actual German classroom, for £70. I would have that on display in my library or playroom, which doesn't exist yet anywhere other than in the world of Naomi's Forms, but let me tell you, when it does and I invite you over for wine, cheese and biscuits to show off my fancy pad, you're going to be so freaking jealous, you might just explode.
This post also guest features on superbly spiffing and awesome blog About Your Dress, run by the delightful @riaface. You should follow the blog, it's better than a white rabbit...

Friday, 14 January 2011

Thursday, 13 January 2011
Things I dreadfully want...
So, for ages it was super tricky to get cross stitch kits that weren’t uber-lame patterns of trains, landscapes or flowers. In fact pretty much the coolest thing you could get were patterns for forever friends bears or Winnie the Pooh *gag* and who-the-hell needs or wants a Winnie the Pooh bookmark anyway? So imagine my (carefully kept secret) delight when cross stitching became retro and fun and not-something-to-be-ashamed-of anymore.
Another awesome supplier on Etsy is Bella Stitchery, retailer of super-cool retro Pin Up patterns like these, which I'd painstakingly turn into cushions to adorn my home with:
For £54.99 you can have the small size, which is just right for a bed or sofa and the large costs £74.99, which is apparently big enough for two. Now, this might seem pricey, but I have considered it and there are many reasons to justify this purchase. You’d probably pay £60 for a nice looking cushion from a shop anyway, plus you’ll have the satisfaction of having made it yourself, plus £80 equates to one, maybe two nights in the pub, whereas the kit will keep you busy for many a night, so you’ll be richer AND thinner, as you won’t be drinking loads of lovely booze. Plus, it’s awesome. Okay? Great I’m glad we’re agreed on that.